Friday, October 2, 2009

A civilized smoke in Montvale

Whenever Tony Santana throws a cigar event I go. For a couple reasons. The location is usually someplace I'm not familiar with but one which I'm glad to add to my roster. Tony's promoter - Rob Menaker does a thorough job publicizing the events, which means a good showing and a fun crowd. Serious thought is put into pairing the libation with the cigar, so you get a great free taste of wine, spirits or beer with the cigar.

Wednesday's event was at the Porterhouse in Montvale, NJ. Attractive looking old-style Tudor exterior with a casual interior reminiscent of old country pubs. I could just imagine a huntsman popping in for a quick pint while leaving his hounds keening by the outdoor fireplace. The main dining room is cordoned off for a smoke-free experience. The bar area, behind thick wood doors and well ventilated offers the thirsty smoker a place to hunker down, grab a bite of decent bar food and smoke away. Best bets are the steaks, and you guessed it - the porterhouse.

The Porter House
125 Kinderkamack Road
Montvale, New Jersey 07645